Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter 2- The Blood Of Jesus

The Bible says in Revelation 12:11,
"They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony"
The Blood of Jesus is another powerful weapon in the armamentarium of the believer. For with it Jesus destroyed the whole satanic host on the cross.
As the apostle Paul writes to the Colossians,
"And having disarmed the powers and authorities he made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (Colossians
The Blood of Jesus is the agent of cleansing, sanctification, protection,
healing and deliverance all combined. The cleansing of the believer is an
ongoing process everyday of our lives. As we read in 1 John 1:9.
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our
sins and purify us from all unrighteousness".
Cleansing continues lifelong till we step into eternity with the Lord.
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life soils
The believer's spirit and soul. But the Lord is faithful and as we
confess our sins to the Father daily, He cleanses us with the blood of His
After an evil spiritual attack on the believer, when deliverance is
effected, cleansing and sanctification are achieved by the blood of the
Lamb. This was new to us in the beginning. My wife used to watch
satanic forces being bound by the angels of God and cast into the pit.
The next step invariably was the sanctification by the blood of Jesus
which the angels used on the person or place involved. She saw the angels
dousing the person or place involved by copious amounts of a liquid.
Initially we did not understand what this liquid was but the Holy Spirit
one day revealed that it was the Blood of Jesus. We often wondered why
this was needed. The Holy Spirit explained that the evil spiritual
forces though bound and cast in to the pit leave their aura/darkness
behind which has to be washed away and only the Blood of Jesus can do it.
Like for instance, once in a spiritual attack, an evil snake like spirit
bound itself on my abdomen. This resulted in abdominal cramps and
tenesmus. The evil spirit was bound and thrown away into the pit by the
angels when rebuked and attacked with the Word of God. Due to some
urgent errand my wife stopped worshipping and forgot the spiritual
sanctification part. This resulted in the lingering effect of the evil
attack with intermittent cramps. When the sickness persisted we asked
The Holy Spirit why this was so and the Holy Spirit pointed out that the
sanctification was not done. The snakelike evil spirit had left its mark
on my abdomen at the place where it had coiled around. A sanctification
then with the Blood of Jesus on worshipping solved my problem.
Sometimes when ministers conduct deliverance sessions, there may be no
full effect seen even when the evil forces that had oppressed the person
have left. This may be because total spiritual sanctification with the
Blood of Jesus has not been achieved, Symptoms may regress gradually as
the sanctification becomes complete. Gradual regression is not the rule
though. Immediate regression follows proper warfare and sanctification as
seen in many cases of demonic oppression.
Sometimes Jesus shows us the spiritual body of persons in demonic
bondage. They may be believers too. There may be many evil spirit s
lodged in different sites of the body and some of these may have been
there for years. How the evil spirits shrink themselves to occupy
certain parts of the body has not been yet explained to us but often a
single spirit may take several forms. When we worship for such a person
and pray for God to deliver that person, the angels do their work of
binding the evil spirit and casting them into the pit. A void is seen in
the space earlier occupied by the evil spirit. The Holy Spirit then
asks us to pray to Jesus to cleanse that area with His blood and then fill
that are with the Holy Spirit. When this is done, that part becomes
whole once again.
The blood net is ideal for protection from attack by evil forces. But the
effect of the blood net depends on how much a person is living a holy
life and a life of separation. There are many who keep chanting "The
Blood of Jesus", "The Blood of Jesus" without living a holy life. This
has little or no effect when it proceeds from their mouths because the
evil spirit's know our spiritual state by looking at us. Our spirit is
the lamp of God which shines either brightly or dimly according to our
closeness to the Lord and the enemy can detect it as it approaches us.
A believer walking with God has divine protection with the Blood of Jesus
on asking the Father for it. Typically one may ask for coverage with the
blood for one's own self, family, house, workplace, property, vehicle, and
Church and whatever right fully belongs to us. As each day is new,
Everyday one has to renew the protection pact with the Father for the
Blood of Jesus to cover oneself. As we ask the Father, the blood net is
lowered on one's lives from heaven. This makes it difficult for the
enemy to sneak through and attack us as we go about our daily chores. Sin
coming into our lives leaves the blood net broken and the enemy gains
easy access to attack us.
The blood barrier also becomes less effective when the believer is not
living a proper life of separation (mingling much with unbelievers)
wherein spirits ruling the unbeliever take advantage of the situation and
continually pester the believer.
The Blood of Jesus has great power in defeating the enemy when a person
living a holy life utters it with faith against the enemy.
How true the song writer when he writes,
"There is power, power, wonder working power, in the blood of the
Lamb......." Yes, wondrous things can be achieved by faith in the Blood of
The Lamb.
Once our 1 yr. old child stood close to the wall and by accident a little
dot of paint fell in to her right eye landing on the cornea. I don't have
to tell you I guess, how difficult it is to take something out of a
1yr.old child's eye. Still I tried my best by splashing some water drops
and then with a wisp of cotton to remove the paint while she slept. But
the paint wouldn't budge. It was as if glued to the corneal surface. It
was our time of evening worship and we prayed to God that the paint may
not leave any mark on the cornea leading to a scare and asked Him
fervently to help us one more time. The Holy Spirit showed a vision of
blood raining from heaven upon her eye and after our worship as she
slept, I again tried to remove the dot of paint with a wisp of cotton.
Miracle once again. The paint just dislodged and I removed it easily.
God did not let any harm come to her eye. Praise God for this miracle;
especially for the precious Blood of Jesus.

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