Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter 4- The Word Of God

The Sword of the Spirit" as the Word of God is called, is another great weapon which can be used by the believer to destroy the enemy provided he/she has faith in the power of the Word and provided he/she fulfills John 15 : 7.
"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish
and it will be given you."

The first time the Holy Spirit lead us into warfare of this kind, He showed
an image of a tap with water running forcefully from it. . This was an
indication from the Holy Spirit to bombard the enemy with the Word of
God. All scripture is beneficial when used with faith and it thwarts
the enemy attacks. But the enemy has an idea of sorts whether the person
using it has faith/not.

Once when we confronted an evil spirit, it stood it's ground just to
check whether I really meant the Word that I was speaking, but
disappeared when it knew that it was spoken with faith.
Some evil spirits get irritated when the word hits them. As the writer of
Hebrews says, "For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than
any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart"
(Hebrews 4: 12)

In Jeremiah 23:29 we read,
"Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord," and like a hammer that
breaks a rock in pieces"
So we have a weapon which is a sword, a fire and a hammer. What more
can we ask for?
During evil spiritual attacks powerpacked verses from the Word destroys
the enemy forces. A few such verses are Luke 10:19, Mathew 18:18, I John
2:9, Psalm 2,3,91, 121, 124, Job 20: 5.6. Deuteronomy 28:7.

True events from the Word recounted to the enemy about how God saved His
people the Israelites from their enemies and praising God that He will
do the same for us, has an equal effect. A few such incidents are:
Abraham rescuing Lot, God delivering the Israelites from Pharoah and the
Egyptians, the rod of God swallowing the rods of the magicians Joshua
gaining victory at Jericho, David's victory over Goliath the bear & the
lion, the victories God wrought for Aza and Jehoshphat and so on and
so forth. The list is inexhaustive.

Praising God with Psalms spontaneously is equally effective. Psalms 8,
23, 24, 29, 45, 67, 76, 87, 91, 93, 95, 100, 103, 114, 117, 120-130,
145-150, have helped me a lot in warfare when I have used it with
faith and spontaneously. Learning the Word by heart can thus aid one
tremendously in warfare. One morning, the Holy Spirit showed a lion
like evil spirit raging against our elder daughter and even planning to
pin her down & cause harm but as my wife worshipped in tongues, the
angels caught hold of it & speared it. It retreated with a dirty and
retaliating look on its face. The Holy Spirit warned us that it would be
back that day for revenge, so were on the alert We kept praising God as
a family that morning and later as we were traveling to drop our daughter
at school, she (my wife) saw the evil wounded lion like spirit returning
with a vengeance.

Soon the Holy Spirit reminded me of David's encounter with the lion and
how he gave testimony to Saul about that. The effect was instantaneous
as she worshipped in tongues and I hit the enemy with the Word
praising God that as He helped David, He would help us too. This time
the evil one was thoroughly & completely defeated and cast into the pit by
the angels. Praise God for His Word and His faithfulness to keep His
Word to win every battle against the enemy for us.

"He sent forth His word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave"
(Psalm 107:20)

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